Ivy Fortmeyer


Contact Information

Associate Professor, Chemistry
BA Columbia University
MA, PhD Princeton University
Phone: 406-238-7377
Office: Bair Science Center 101F
Email: ivy.fortmeyer@rocky.edu


Dr. Ivy Fortmeyer has been teaching at Rocky since 2016. Originally from North Carolina, she moved her way up the east coast, earning her BA in chemistry at Columbia University. As an undergrad, she developed an interest in teaching after serving as a TA for general chemistry lab for several semesters. Following this, she earned her PhD in chemistry and materials science at Princeton University in the lab of Dr. Andy Bocarsly. Her dissertation, "Characterization of the Fluid and Solid Components of Cyanogel Systems During the Gelation Process," explored the kinetics of a gelation process in cyanide-bridged coordination polymers, primarily using spectroscopic techniques. Outside of teaching, Dr. Fortmeyer enjoys baking, traveling, and generally spending time outdoors.

Courses Taught

CHM101/102 - General Chemistry I and II
CHM210 - Materials Science
CHM338 - Analytical Chemistry
CHM365 - Inorganic Chemistry
CHM372 - Communication in Chemistry
CHM401 - Physical Chemistry
CHM472/473 - Integrated Chemistry Lab I and II


Rocky Mountain College
1511 Poly Drive
Billings, MT 59102