
"Here at Rocky Mountain College, you will receive a top notch education with a staff that has many different backgrounds and areas of expertise. The curriculum is module based and designed in a way that reviews past material along the way. You will also become competent at obtaining histories, performing physical exams, and developing an assessment and plan. During rotations I felt well prepared with knowledge, skills, and managing patient care. One of the more important stats that Rocky possesses is the first time PANCE pass rate; my class had a 100% first time pass rate.

In my opinion, what makes Rocky really special is that it is a small school. The class and program as a whole are a tight knitted group that is supportive with your educational, physical, and emotional needs. The school is located in the city of Billings, Montana. This is the only program in the states of Montana and Wyoming. For that reason, the communities of Montana and Wyoming are very supportive and invested in giving Rocky students the opportunities they need to excel as a provider. These communities include larger cities like Billings, but more importantly the surrounding rural communities. You will likely be the only student on a given rotation and not have to compete with other PA or medical students for quality opportunities. I would undoubtedly choose Rocky Mountain College PA program again. "

- Matt Concienne, Class of 2017


"I am extremely thankful for Rocky Mountain College and my faculty members who helped me become the best Physician Assistant I can be. During my time in the program I not only learned medicine in more depth than I could have envisioned, I also grew as a person and established many more skills that aided my development as a provider. The modular teaching approach helped me to focus the material in a way that enabled me to retain what I was learning. The small class size allowed for a personalized learning environment and I became part of a lifelong cohesive family. The program’s organization gave me the opportunity to balance working hard to achieve my goals as well as maintain my personal life. I cannot imagine a Physician Assistant program that better prepares its students for their first jobs as providers than Rocky Mountain College."

- Amy Grossman,  Class of 2017

"Rocky starts their success as a program by knowing how to accept the right students. My class was tight-knit and had a diversity that positively contributed to my education. The faculty and staff are personable and certainly have a keen interest in making excellent future practitioners. I currently practice Rural Emergency Medicine and, thanks to Rocky, feel that I was prepared to meet and exceed the expectations of my employer from day one. I keep seeing Rocky students come through our practice well prepared and confident. If I had to do it all over, I would choose Rocky again."

- Patrick Erley PA-C,  Class of 2015

"Rocky Mountain College is a superior PA program. What makes Rocky unique is their “hands on” approach. The staff is extremely thorough when teaching a history and physical exam. Students are able to see mock patients instead of always keeping our nose in a textbook. My education evolved from keeping my focus on the upcoming exam to aiming at being a better, more thorough provider with the knowledge gained. I felt confident seeing and treating patients during clinical year and after graduation with the skills and guidance provided by the staff at RMC. The staff truly cares about your education, they want you to succeed and be the best possible provider. I currently work in the state of Oregon where Rocky Mountain College PA program has an admirable representation. I am well respected by my attending physicians and colleagues as a Rocky grad and am exceptionally pleased with my PA school experience."

- Kelly Christner, RMC PA, Class of 2016

"The Rocky Mountain College Physician Assistant Program is special. When looking for a program to pursue my academic aspirations, I looked throughout the entire country for the best place to do so. My search ultimately led me to RMC because of their personal attention to students, their emphasis on safety, and their ability to provide a high-quality education that was more than just a degree.

The personal attention that RMC provides to its students is obvious from the moment you step on campus. We were welcomed with open arms for interviews, advised to ask questions and voice concerns, and treated with respect through every step of the admissions and education process. The admissions staff cares, the faculty cares, the students care, and that attitude is infectious. It is a small, tightly knit program that brings out the best in its students.

An emphasis on safety is something that was very important to me. Do no harm is more than just a phrase to be uttered during an oath, it is a mindset that is ingrained in all of us throughout our training at RMC. This has already served me well in the short time I have been in the work force.  

A high-quality education that is more than just a degree is essential to truly create practitioners that can make a difference in their communities. RMC brings incredible people together and elevates them even further, allowing us as students to achieve great things in both our personal and professional lives. This is done through continued efforts to push the boundaries of individuals, productive health community involvement, and constant attention to the individual students needs.  

When choosing a program to pursue an education is such a vital field, it is important to choose wisely. Selecting Rocky Mountain College’s Physician Assistant program allowed me to achieve more than I thought possible. It prepared me well for a challenging career in my field and allowed me to provide safe and high-quality patient care."  

- Stephen Rogers, PA-C, RMC MPAS Class of 2015