The CampusPortal holds information about student academic and financial information. You will use CampusPortal to register for classes during open registration, check grades, view your bill, and print your schedule or unofficial transcript.
If you have difficulty logging in, follow these instructions:
Your User ID is typically your first name, followed by a period, followed by your last name. Some students may have a number after their name. There are no spaces. Example: john.smith or john.smith1. Your username for CampusPortal is sent to you in your Admissions packet.
Your password is emailed to you when you create your account with CampusPortal. In the email, it may have been listed as your PIN.
Attempt to reset your password. You will need to check the email currently on file in the system.
If you still have trouble logging in, contact the Office of Student Records at 406.657.1030.