Staff Council

The Staff Council of Rocky Mountain College exists to:

  • Enhance communication between all staff, faculty, and administration within the College;
  • Encourage professional and personal development within the staff;
  • Provide a forum for discussing matters pertinent and important to staff of the College; and
  • Advise and make recommendations about existing and proposed College policies and procedures.

The Council is a pure democracy in that every RMC employee is a member. RMC staff make a positive difference in College operations and policies by contributing ideas. Summaries of meetings go directly to the President’s cabinet via meeting minutes and presentation by Staff Council leadership. Meeting agenda items include presentations by staff council sub-committees, administration, and faculty as well as new business brought to the attention of the Staff Council. Staff Council Bylaws regulate officers’ responsibilities and meeting governance. Sub-committees work to address issues and topics of interest.

Staff Council Leadership 

  • Staff Council Chair 

    Shaydean Saye
    Director of Auxiliary Services
    Deputy Title IX Coordinator

    The Staff Council Chair:
    a)   Presides over all meetings of the Staff Council and Executive Committee.
    b)   Appoints the Chairperson of all Staff Council standing and ad hoc committees and submits nominations for recommendation for college committees to the Vice Presidents.
    c)   Serves as spokesperson for the Staff Senate and represents the Staff Council at college, administrative, and other meetings.
    d)   Signs all contracts on the Staff Council’s behalf.
    e)   Has final vote in the grievance process for Emergency or Scholarship funds.
    f)    Assures that council meetings are conducted according to the By-laws or Robert’s Rules of Order in cases where procedures are not specified.

  • Staff Council Vice Chair

    Rachel Osburn

    Senior Accountant

    The Staff Council Vice Chair:
    a)   Assumes the duties of the Staff Council President with full authority in the Staff Council President’s absence.
    b)   Serves as principle assistant to the Staff Council President and performs other such duties as associated with this office.
    c)   Responsible for matters of public relations, including dissemination of information items as may be directed by vote of the Staff Council.
    d)   Attends College meetings as a representative of the Staff Council.
    e)   Serves on college committees at the Vice Presidents’ or Staff Council’s request.
    f)    Fulfills any term vacated by the Staff Council President.
    g)   Assures that council meetings are conducted according to the By-laws or Robert’s Rules of Order in cases where procedures are not specified.

  • Staff Council Secretary

    Kaylie Anderson

    Enrollment Specialist

    The Staff Council Secretary:
    a)   Serves as recording secretary for all regular and special meetings of the Staff Council.
    b)   Publishes and distributes meeting agenda and minutes to Staff Council members and members of the staff via the Staff Council website and/or email.
    c)   Maintains an original file of all meeting agenda, minutes and handouts.
    d)   Keeps official attendance records of all meetings.
    e)   Reserves a room for all established Council meetings.

  • Staff Council Treasurer 

    Halle Labert

    Chief of Staff to the Provost

    The  Staff Council Treasurer:
    a)   Is responsible for all monies received and disbursed in relation to Staff Council accounts with the approval of the Staff Council or Staff Council President.
    b)   Presents reports of the Staff Council’s accounts at the monthly meetings as needed.
    c)   Maintains records and reports of the Staff Council’s budget.

Schedule of Meetings

All meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at noon in the Selover Board Room. A virtual meeting link will be provided by the Chair upon request.

View meeting minutes and bylaws (login required)