Rocky Mountain College is very proud of its equine internship program. All graduates of the equine program must complete three to six internship credits. Students are paired with sites according to their personal choices and their abilities. Opportunities are available in all facets of the equine industry. Students have interned in equine reproduction, with notable trainers in variety of fields, therapeutic riding programs, international sites, veterinary assistance programs, equine business, and about any combination one can imagine.

Internship sites include:

  • Training sites - Todd Crawford, Sandy Vaughn, Don Murphy, Gary and Kelly Roberts, Steve and Carol Metcalf, Pete and Tamera Kyle, Francesca Sternberg (England), Jim Searles, John Briggs, and many others.
  • Therapeutic riding sites - Victory Junction (associated with the Kyle Petty Foundation) and the Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch.
  • Equine reproduction - Dr. McCarroll in Oklahoma and Dr. Randall in Montana.
  • Equine business - Mark Harrell (horse show management), Excell Associates (horse show management), and Kyle Tack.
  • Students have also worked at various ranches and summer camp riding programs.
  • International opportunities have included Great Britain, Israel, and Ireland.


Emily Brester
Interim Director of Equine Studies