Horse Leases / Donations

Leasing Arrangements

Your generosity is appreciated immensely by both students and faculty. We offer leasing arrangements to the public for those who wish to have their horses ridden and cared for during the school year. We hope you are pleased with the care and training your horse receives while participating in Rocky Mountain College's Equestrian Program. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Brester, equestrian program director, at See our horse owner contract for more information about leasing your horse to the program.


In addition to our leasing arrangements, the program accepts donations. The generosity of the community helps us to provide a quality equestrian education for RMC students. Please read over our wish list and consider how you might be able to contribute to the program. The donations can be on a one-time or ongoing basis. All donations are tax deductible. Items that are in bold print are ones that we consider our most pressing needs.

Thank you for your consideration.

Categories for giving include the following:

Scholarships and Sponsorships

  • For an equestrian student (riding fees per semester are $3,202)
  • For a community therapeutic horsemanship client with disabilities (fees are $140/month or $1,400/year)
  • For the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association Team (IHSA) or an individual member (costs include national association fees, gasoline, hotel, and entry fees)
  • For the judging team or an individual member (costs include gasoline, hotel, and entry fees)


  • RMC considers donations of sound, healthy horses that meet the curricular mission of the equestrian program and the College. Horses may be used in the program or sold to help support the program.
  • Sponsor the board of an RMC-owned horse over the winter break or the summer.
  • “Adopt a horse” by sponsoring the monthly or yearly care and board of a therapeutic riding horse - certain benefits accompany this sponsorship.

Equipment and Supplies

  • A newer model truck to pull a horse trailer for vet emergencies and horse transport. We currently do not own one.
  • A horse trailer that would well-represent the school on the road. We currently do not own one.
  • Indoor/outdoor wireless microphone system for instructors and clinicians.
  • An outdoor sound system for the horse show arena.
  • Additional funds earmarked for program development and promotion.
  • Sponsoring a clinic to bring in renowned horsemen to enrich the student experience.
  • Curriculum funds for teachers to purchase current teaching aids and resources.
  • Newer computers and computer chairs for the student lab.
  • Therapeutic riding equipment and supplies.
  • A commercial quality printer for classroom use.
  • Commercial quality vacuum cleaners.
  • Industrial tile flooring installed in the equestrian classroom.
  • New horse jumps and poles.
  • A full-sized articulated horse skeleton.

Thank you to recent donors

  • Anonymous donor of $16,000 for the development of the therapeutic horsemanship program, allowing us to purchase a tack room, wheel chair ramp, a small arena, and adaptive horse tack.
  • Vetera Gold for a gift to purchase an outdoor encased bulletin board.
  • Barb Skelton, Christi Brown, and Abegael Williamson for the donation of horses.
  • Ann Adair for sponsoring the IHSA team.


Emily Brester
Interim Director of Equine Studies