Brick Garden
September 25, 2022 2024-01-11 15:57The RMC Alumni & Friends Brick Garden is located at the heart of campus between the Bair Family Student Center and the RMC Green. Nested around the iconic iron bear statue, the brick garden is a great place to make memories that will last a lifetime. Bricks can be purchased through the Office of Alumni Relations and include a name, class year, or other personal message. Bricks, engraving, and placement cost $200. Contact us today at 406.657.1007 or for more information on how to dedicate a personalized brick in honor of a student or RMC supporter.
The following have their names etched on bricks found in Rocky Mountain College's Brick Garden.
Alumni: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Adams, Joan and Rich
Adams, Kristen - "1998"
Ahlgren, Scott - "2000"
Allen, Wendy M. - "1990"
Altmann, Dustin - "2008 All-American"
Anderson, Jim and Linda
Anderson, Scott - "Rossland BC, Canada"
Anonymous - "2000"
Armstrong-Foreman, Dorothy - "1951-1952"
Arnst, Fred M. - "1957"
Arnst, Phyllis Bostic
Baker, Bill and Lorraine
Baker, Ronald D. - "BPI '32"
Baker, Virginia Biddinger
Baker, William - "BPI 1947"
Banderob, R.C. - "RMC '60"
Barclay, Tim
Barker, Catherine
Barker, Emily - "2000"
Barlott, Kristin - "RMC 2012"
Bauer, Emily C.
Beadle, George L. - "1991"
Beaty, Katherine Roney - "RMC 1973"
Behrends, Ryan C - "In Loving Memory", "2000"
Bennyhoff, D and S - "1989"
Berry, Roger L.
Bessler, Paul A "Schnoz". - "I finally graduated! RMC 1968"
Bierkness, Devon - "1999"
Billings, Missy Archer
Bittick, Lindsay - "1998"
Bixler, Marian - "Shepherd", "'84-'87"
Bliss, John and Bernie - "RMC '76 and '64"
Booras,Dion - "2003"
Borgen, Winston Ruby - "Class of 1941"
Boyd, Robert L. and Emma Olinger
Brautigan, Fred- "RMC '61"
Brautigan, Janet Zell - "RMC '60"
Boggs, Shye - "2006"
Bradshaw, Leigh Ann - "2002"
Breen, Penny - "RMC '71"
Bridenbaugh, Rosemary Barnes
Britton,Marla - "2005"
Britton-Peterson, Alamna - "2005"
Brocopp, Tim
Bross, Georgia K
Brown, Fred R.
Brown, Jessica Lee
Brown, Terry F.
Burbridge, Carrie - "2000"
Butman, Leslie Winton - "RMC '86"
Chimenti, Carmalen - "RMC 2005"
Christiansen, Elfie - "'59"
Choate, Cassandra
Church, Richard - "RMC 1950"
Civitarese, Aaron J. - "2005 and 2007 USCSA National Championship Team"
Clayton, Lyman M.
Clayton, Michelle R.
Clegg, Cap
Cline, Dusty - "RMC 1984"
Colby, Dirk
Colby, Kip - "1998"
Cole, Robert L.
Cole-Martin, Judith - "'67"
Collins, Fred S. - "'51"
Collins, Noel - "BS Music Education 1973"
Cook, Joe - "2005"
Cooper, Jan Craig
Cosper, Jack and Audrey
Cox, Gene and Clarice
Craig, Bryce - "2003"
Crtalic, Bill - "1950"
Cunningham, Amanda S. - "2006"
Cunningham, Jean L - "Equestrian 2008"
Currier, Chris
Curry, Sean - "2008 aeronautical science"
Daellenbach,Timmothy - "2003"
Daley, Ken - "BPI '33"
Daniels, Robert W.
Dapples, Birdeena C.
Dapples, Charles C.
Davies, Morgan - "2003"
Deveer, Mark - "Class of 2002"
Doerr, Eugene
Donaldson, Lauren R. - "'26"
Donaldson, Lenora C. - "'26"
Drury, Becky - "class '94 Women's Ski Team"
Dudis, John, Ronda, Amanda, and Allison
Dulian, Nicole R. - "2005"
Durr, Randy and Carolyn - "RMC 1981, RMC 1980"
Dwyer, Dan and Candace - "Theresa, NY, 1971"
Dyche, Steve "Cub"
Earles, Jason - "2000"
Eckhardt, Marie V. - "2001"
Eder, Charles Baren
Eelkema, Lark - "2000"
Ehresman, Karen
Ehrich, Derek
Elliott, Dustin and Rochelle - "2007", "2004"
Errebo, Henry
Ewertz, Roy W.
Eymer, Rick - "1975"
Fagan, John and Marian - "1965"
Ferries, Beth J.
Ferries, David J
Fink, Leo & Erlys - "Class of 1952"
Flynn, Loilla Hunter
Fogerty, Mike - "RMC 1970"
Foran, Donald - "2008"
Foran, Joe
Foran, Kaycee - "2009 Brown-Cox Scholar"
Foreman, Russ - "Class of 1952"
Fortmann, Paul and Sandy -"RMC 1965"
Freitas, Julio - "Brazil 2008. I am a Believer"
French, Kristian F. - "'05"
Fox, Edie - "Class of 2002"
Freyler, Mike - "1985-1989"
Gabel, Allen and Gina
Gammill, Lane - "1999"
Genoa - "I luv u dad! '06"
Gilege, Stephanie - "'99"
Gilson, Matt - "1975"
Girone, Amy Wells - "1974"
Goggin-Waiter, Alycia Lynn
Goff, Jonathan F.
Gonagle, Jeannie Mc
Graham, Adela Alt - "IVC 1924"
Graham, Clarence P. - "'36"
Graham, Patricia (Redfield) - "1950-1953"
Greenig, Nate - "2000"
Gregor, Melissa May - "Cheers for you!"
Groskinsky, Albert
Groskinsky, Anne
Gulgrandson, Dave, Daniel, Samie, and Kendra
Gustafson, Mike and Charlene
Hajek, Robert Dale - "RMC '71"
Halland, Kristian
Hall, Kelly - "RMC '84"
Hall, Leslie - "From his friend"
Hall, Wayne - "RMC '84"
Hamilton, Lyn - "1963"
Hammond,Ashley - "2003"
Hamwey, Nic
Hannah, Alta H. - "BPI"
Hansen, Dewey J. - "1942"
Hansen, Patrick - "'99"
Hansen, Tricia
Hanson, David - "2001"
Harada, Kevin - "2006"
Harden, Leigha - "Class of 2002
Harman, Bess - "RMC '96", "10/3/75-10/16/93"
Harman, Dora - "RMC '97"
Harman, Ethyl Smith
Harman, Howard M.
Harman, Jean - "RMC '68"
Harman, Larry - "RMC '68"
Harper, Steve - "1973"
Harris, Olita Dargam
Harris, Solomon F., Jeffrey, Jim, and Sharon - "1966"
Harris, Taylor M. - "2009"
Harshman, Dwight
Hatter, Theresa - "1998"
Hawks-Martin, Jennifer - 2001
Hayashi, Takato
Hayter, Shawna - "Class of 2002"
Heath, Carol Hopkins
Hegstrom, James -"2002"
Henry, Mike - "1945-91"
Hepler, Lucinda - "1965"
Herbst, Brandon J.
Hilbert, Joseph C. - "RMC 1995"
Hilbert, Sharon - "1963"
Hill, Lizzee M - "2005"
Hilliard, Ryan J.
Hink, Mike - "1963-1967"
Hoffman, Alan H. - "RMC '72", "Many fond memories"
Hofmann, Don
Holcomb, Judith
Hole, John and Kathy - "1974"
Holmes, Jayson
Hons, Nancy and Fitch
Howard, Chris Wynette
Humphrey, Jen D. - "2000", "and Starr"
Ingalls, Anne - "IVC '39"
Ingalls, Curtis - "BPI '37"
Irvine, Eric - "Class of 2002"
Jacobson, Dennis - "'74"
Jamasaki, Shinji - "2000"
Jeffery, Jim and Sharon
Jensen, Ralph S.
Johnson, "City" - "RMC 1970"
Johnson, Larry C. - "1995"
Jozwiak, Marjorie A.
Kafka-Dvarishkis, Mark and Dorcie - "'81"
Kary,Mark - "2003"
Kennedy, Natalie Pierce
Kennedy, Robert
Kewkirk, C. Thomas - "'55"
Killbride, BJ Tyrrell
King, Alice Gidding
Kirkpatrick, Michael
Knobe, Chet and Barbara - "RMC 1973"
Knudsen, Bob and Darlene
Koyker, Elaine V. - "1936"
Koyker, Leland P. - "1936"
Kraske, Bill, Maryann, Justin, Cody, and Kari - "'66"
Kronick, Ben and Judy
Kronmiller, Bert W.
Kronmiller, L.H.
Kummerfeldt-Taylor, Karyn L. - "1984"
Laird, Rhiannon - "2013, from J.O. Hughson DVM"
Lape, John
Larkin, Robert I.
Larsen, Brittany Zola - "RMC '12 Cum Laude"
Lauson, Marjorie D.
Lauson, Spencer N.
Lee, Richard C.
Leffingwell, Lettie
Leftwich, Ronald W. - "'64"
Lehm, Robert - "Class of 2002"
Lehman, Roxanna - "'74"
Leonard, Molly - "2012"
Lindsay, Jeffrey D. - "Flying in heaven"
Lott, Conrad Kyle - "2005"
Lowry, Jean Wigmore
Lukens, Peter - "1969"
Lutgen, Senit - "1997", "My first Investment!"
Mace, Justin A. - "BPI '37"
Macdonald, Jodee - "Class of 2002"
Macnamara, Jean
Mahler, Clarence A.
Mahler, Donald B.
Mahler, Walter
Mammen, Louise
Mangis, Herbert
Marlow, Shawn and Steph - "98"
Martin, Robert
Mathew, Frank and Helen
Matthew,Bill - "Class of 1952"
Mayse, Adam and Brenda
Mcclearly, Scott E. "RMC '73"
Mcclure, Donald K.
Mccollough, Michael G.
Mccullough, Jeff Alan
Mcdonald, Jennette - "2006"
Mcdougall, Reid - "2008"
Mcgee, Carol Ann - "1994"
Meehan, Emmett and Inez - "Poly '36"
Meiwald, Fred- "Colonel USAF"
Meiwald, Winifred A.
Meloy, Harriet C. - "'36"
Merry, Lyssa (Thaden) - "Class of 1996"
Merry, Patrick - "2000"
Meyer, Neil Les - "'93"
Meyer, William A. - " G 1970"
Miller, Kellyn - "2005"
Miller, Marcia R. - "1977"
Miller, Tim - "2004"
Mills, Robert A. - "1934"
Miron, Jamie Hertz - "'92"
Mitsuyuki, Takeshi "Tex" - "RMC 1996"
Monson, Larry and Lynne
Morgan, Harold - "'60"
Morrison-Soderberg, Lynne -"1969"
Mourich, Jim and Terri
Mundt, Patricia - "1964"
Mutch, Martin E.
Nakamatsu, William Y
Nation, Stacy
Neighbor, Jan Malar
Neighbor, Jim - "RMC '75"
Nelson, Patty and RC
Nelson, Ron and Myrel
Nesbit, Jerry - "Class of 2002"
Neubauer, Kayla L. - "2005"
Newkirk, C. Thomas - "'55"
Newland, Thomas A. - "B.S. Science and DVM"
Newton, Berta - "1982"
Newton, Bertie - "1970"
Nutter, Edna Kiehlbauch
Oakley, Chantel Gerber - "2001"
Oberty, David - "1966"
O'Connell, Shane A.
Oden, Kevin R. - "2009"
O'Donnell, Gerald
O'Donnell, I.D. - "Polytechnic Founder"
Olson, Elizabeth - "2001"
Olson, Katherine L. - "'94"
Olson, Yvonne - "1945-1950"
Ortmayer, Roger E. - "33/36"
Ortmayer, Roland - "'36"
Page,Loretta E
Pahlas, Jack - "2001"
Park-Tyler, Bobbie I
Paulson, Jeri Lynn
Pennepacker, J. Scott
Pennepacker, Scott and Rebecca
Peterson,Jade - "2009"
Peterson, Joe - "1998"
Peterson, Lindsey - "Class of 2002"
Petric, Brent - "2007"
Petry, Pete
Phillips, Jon - "RMC '73"
Phillips, Marie Graham
Piesen, Edmond M. - "1965"
Pollard, Greg - "RMC '91"
Pollard, Landa Lynn
Pope, Elmer
Prentice, Gale G.
Pretlow, Margia - "2001"
Price, Jill
Price, William R - "1970"
Rae, Raymond J. - "Class of 1951"
Ramlow, Nike - "2001"
Ramlow, Tom - "2001"
Rankin, Sam
Rathbon, Heather - "2001"
Rathbun-Baker, Joy
Rauch, Virgil
Rennich, David - "2003
Rettig, Sam - "2006, "Flight Team 2005-06"
Reyher, Kirk - "'98"
Rhodes, Albert
Riley, Greg and Holly - "2006"
Ripa, Dave and Pharody - "'66"
Robbins, Shirley Morgan - "Class of 1952"
Roberts, Phyllis B.
Robertson, Sally
Roe-Thompson, Juliana
Rogers, Cassidy L. - "2005"
Rolle, Marjorie Logan
Rosengren, Alex R. - "Class of 2009"
Rosengren, Brandon - "RMC Class of 2007"
Russell, Dan D. - "1955"
Russell, Joyce Kelley - "1981"
Russell, Mary Jane
Russell, Timothy J.
Salway, Orville F.
Sample, Karen and Pat
Sanford, Grant
Sasahara, Ken - "'73"
Sasse-Salway, Candace - RMC 1976
Sawicki,Jeremy - "2003"
Scarborough, Ryan - "2001"
Scariano, Ron, Susan, Pam, and Tina - "1998"
Scariano, Ronald J. - "1966-1970", "G 1970"
Schaff, Chad - "1996"
Schell-Soderberg, Donna - "1961"
Schindele, Michele - "73"
Schmidt, Jane - "1995"
Schmitt, Mike - "RMC '86"
Schultz, James D. - "We Always Come Back"
Schultz, Karli - "2006"
Schwarz, Brynn - "2001"
Sealey, Monty L. - "1971"
Semingson, Lavonne - "1937"
Sheron, John "Moose"
Shutey, John J. - "RMC '74"
Sigel, Edward - "'96"
Sikes, Mary Ginther - "'68"
Slinkard, Benjamin
Smith, Shannon - "2000"
Smoker, Sonya - "Class of 2002"
Soderberg, Jim - "1969"
Soderberg, John - "1962"
Sovey, Ronald R. - " RMC 1964"
Speare,Ed - "Col. (r) - '70"
Spencer, Dave
Spencer, Donna Blair
Sprinkle, Francis G. - "'42"
Staek, Marty
Steele, Noriko Hosono - "With gratitude... 1955"
Stenerson, Erik - "in memory of, '98"
Stevens,Marlene - "'59"
Stevens, Reid - "RMC '58"
Stiegemeier, Derk L. - "RMC Ski Team '98 - '02"
Stiegemeier, Eric and Tony
Stricker, Sean - "2001"
Swenson, Betty Roche
Swenson, E. Stanley - '36"
Swigart, Chantel - "Class of 2002"
Talbot, David - "1970"
Tamblyn, Jeff - "2000"
Tanner, Virginia G.
Tarkin, Janet Edwards
Taylor, Ann - "1974"
Taylor, David H. - "1979"
Taylor, James R. - "1961", "Registrar 1964-1994"
Taylor, Janet L. -"1979"
Taylor, Jesse - "89-11", "Flying with Angels"
Taylor, Jim - "1977"
Taylor, Kenneth - "1975"
Taylor, Paul T. - "1982"
Taylor, Pete - "1983"
Taylor, William - "1986"
Teichert, Jennifer
Templeton, Brandon - "2009" "Flight Team 4 yrs"
Terashita, Futoshi
Thaden, Bob & Marilyn
Thompson, Kent - "1989"
Thurston, Vance A. - "'00"
Tilton, Herb and Bette - "BPI 1942"
Tjaden, Ron - "1969"
Tobin, Deb (Schell) - "In memory of"
Tow, William Melton - "Fort Benton March 1890"
Tucker, Bridgett - "2005 Ski Team"
Turnbull, Suzanne - "2000"
Turner, Sam - "2006"
Tweten, Tanner - "2001"
Tyler, Steve and Skye
Tyler, Tim C. - "1979"
Uihlein, Alfred - "RMC 1970"
Veldhuisen, Shanda - "2008"
Vennell, Paul - "1956"
Vogele, Myron - "1966"
Vortman, Lindsey - "2008"
Wagner, Carol J. - "1990", "Hall director 1989-1991"
Walker-Dream, Kerri
Walker, Sue and Steve
Warburton,George - "#84 RMC 2003"
Webb, Christopher - "Class of 2002"
Wells, Frances Dehnert
Wells, Terry and Georgia - "'66 and '67"
Welsh, Donald H.
Welsh, Eva Scabad
Welsh, F.B. "Red" - "BPI '34"
Weston,Brenda - "2003"
Wettergren, Abby - "2002"
White, Joe - "RMC '71, 5 sport athlete"
Wickland, Wenda and Terry - "RMC '94"
Williams, Bob - "'62"
Williams, Rebekah - "Class of 2002"
Wilmot, Melanie - "2000"
Wimer, Frank H. - "ATA '39, BS '56"
Wolverton, Mara Lynn - "Musical Theatre '99"
Wrzesinski, Jamie - "'97"
Youpee-Hanna, Jewel -"2003"
Yost, Eugene Jack
Yuhas, Rachel - "2001"
Friends of RMC:
Abrams, Ossie
Albright-Creed, Dorothy and Rolan
Arkwright, Marty
Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
Ballard, Bill and Merilynn
Bergerson, Graham, Deb and Tom
Bigs Congregational Women's Fellowship
Billings Baptist Mission Society
Blake, Elizabeth
BLGS Weavers Guild
Bole, Chas F.
Boorstin, Daniel J.
Bowman, Ann and Jon
Boyston, C.O
Bross, John and Helen
Brown, A. Keith
Brown, Keith and Jane - "Trustee Friends"
Brown, Marilyn - "1998"
Brown, Rockwood - "1998"
Buethe, Sherry
Builder, Gerald Sullivan
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Burtz, Alfred
Campus Club - "1952"
Cavan, John and Clare
Cherry Tree Inn - "The Kirbys"
Chester WSCS
Clegg, Cap - "Go Bears"
Cocke, Rev. L.E.
Coffee, Bill and Vicki
Cone, Lawrence and Mary - "In Memory of Hazel"
Copeland, Evelyn Stannard
Copeland, Nora S.
Copeland, William Duncan
Copeland-Vandyke, Alayne
Cordiner, Betty A. - "Trustee"
Cordiner, Frank S. - "Friend"
Costilla Energy Inc
Cowen, Loretta
Cox, Cyril
Daniels, Wheeler and Marilyn
Dapples, Edward C.
Dasanayake, Ananda - "in memory of"
Demille, Gary - "Outdoor Recreation"
Derosier, Arthur H.
Derosier, Linda Scott
Derosier, Marsha
Dorgan, Jack
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Duke, Pony
Eddy, Margaret and Dick
Egan, Ken and Terry
Eichelberg, betty
Ekman, Ossian Margit
Erickson, Charles E.
Fergus, Andrew J - "Metallurgist Chemist"
Ferguson, R.M.
Ferries, John W and Audrey H
Fire Museum of Maryland
Forseth, Lisa and Jay
Forseth, Sarah and Jpsiah
Foster, Cynthia
Foster, Kristi - "RMC Chaplain 2008-2012"
Foster, Paul M.
Freeman, Alexander
Freeman, Bradford
Freeman, Brent and Renea
Freeman, Bryan and Nicole
Freeman, David - "1961"
Freeman, Debbie - "1978, Jeremiah 29:11-13"
Freeman, Hannah
Freeman, Kiana
Freeman, Lexington
Freeman, Naia
Freeman, Navarre
Freeman, Remington
Freeman, Sandra
Freeman, Sonya
Frey, Linda Joy - "2008"
Gee, Tom and Christiane
Girls State 1953
Goff family
Greener, Lester
Gronhord, Edith
Gustafson, Wagner and Pamela
Hamid, Shifa
Happy Diner
Harper Family
Haverland - "1998"
Heaver Properties
Hines, H.W. - "President"
Holmes, Bob
Horn, Hulda
Houk, Breedlove, Wesneski and Co.
Howeth, Jim and Inez
Huebner, M. Julie
Huebner, Robert
Humphrey, Dorothy - "in loving memory of "
Hurly, John
Iverson Methodist Church
Jaedicke, Bob and Bette
James S. Kemper Foundation
Jelinek, J - "RMC Librarians 1998"
Jolley, Betty C.
Jolley, Harley E.
Jurovich, Audrey - "R.N."
Kamerzell-Erickson, Helen
Kehler, B. - "RMC Librarians 1998"
Keil, Norma F. - "1998"
Kent, Ossie Bortith
Kimmerle, Bill and Lauri
Kirby, Donna L.
Kirby, F. Gordon
Klindt, Clara G.
Klindt, Herbert J.
Klingman, Vern
Knoll, John R. - "Music Director 1972"
Koch, Ruth
Koerber, Karl H., Lydia, and Fred
Koesslers, H.D.
Kohles, Marilyn and James and Family
Koskela, Matthias W.
Kraske, Edward Leona
Kresge Foundation
Kriesel, Jean and Ron
Kuhns, Frederick - "Librarian 1952-1960"
Kuhns, Kathryn Z. - "Math Prof 1951-1960"
Kumar-Guna, Ashok - "in memory of"
Ladd, Antigony
Ladd, Everett
Lair, Gail and Bobbie
Larson, Jim and Mary
Leadbetter, Dan and Debby
Lee, Richard Charles - "1960, math educator"
Leuthold, John and Grace
Lindstrom, Sharon
Livingston Congregational Women's Fellowship
Lopez, Maricela "Marci" M. - "1986-2009"
Lowe, Bill and Connie
Lund, Alice K.
Lynn, John Mallan - "'98"
Lynn, John Reid - "1998"
Lynn, Lucille
Mammen, Donald W.
Mantz, Kira
Masters, Jim and Ardyce
Mccann, Jennifer
Mccann, Mona
Mccann, Richard
Mccann, Todd - "in memoriam"
Mccann, Tami
Mcdonald, Sam and Judy
Mcelroy, Dorothy F.
Mcelroy, Harold
Mcelroy, Richard R.
Mcelroy, Robert W.
Mcelroy, Roy G.
Mckinney, Joe C.
Metz, DJ - "board chair 1997-2001"
Miller, George M.
Milton, Robert
M.J Murdock Charitable Trust
Montana Power Foundation
Montz, Rebecca and Ryan
Morledge, Charlie and Patti
Morledge, Tom and Lynn
Morledge-Hampton, Scott and Diane
Morscheck, Binnie and Dr. Thomas
Muntz, Noah
Murphy, Clifford H. and Margaret A. - "Professors"
Murphy, Tim and Family
Nash, Orville and Josie
Nasen, Alan M
Nefsy, Bill - "in memory of"
Nefsy, Lorene
Nisley, Ben
Nisley, Ishar
O'donnell, I.D. - "Polytechnic Founder"
Olson, Tom and Carol
Orser, David
Parker, Brolin C.
Patterson, Don - "in memory of"
Pearce, Hailey - "RMC Coach and Friend"
Peterson, Myrtle E.
Peterson, Ralph and Margaret
Petry, George
Piltz, Dr. Robert J. - "In loving memory of"
Pitt, C.A.
Prentice, Katie
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Preston, Jay and Beth
Red Lodge Congregational Ladies Aid
Rhodes, Albert
Riedesel, Russ and Inza
Rieke, Marcia A.
Rizwani-Hamid, Saeed and Rakhski - "'93"
Rizwani-Nisley, Rob and Arshi - "'88"
Robertson, Bob - "From Grizzly to Bear"
Ronning, Ardel and Ila
Ross, Amy and Derrick - "Nowhere Man and a Whisky Girl!"
Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation
Sample, Miriam
Saunders, George
Sawicki, Bobbi
Seaholm, Marlin
Seebart, Arthur W. - "in memory of"
Selover, George and Patty
Seymour, Lillian
Simpson, Alan K.
Simpson, Ann S.
Slayton, Ernest G.
Small, Lawerence F. and Elfie
Smith, James S. - "oil chemist"
Stender, Carl Heinz
Stender, John Henry
Stender, Werner Hans
Stickney, Ed and Jess
Stickney, George E.
Stockman Bank
Stockman Financial Corporation
Stockton Oil company
Stone, Sam
Sutherland, Tom and Jean - "Friends of RMC"
Swartz, Dan and Teri
Tanner, James and Ruby - "Parents of V. Tanner"
Tenge, John -"1998"
Tenge, Virginia- "1998"
Thaden, Bob
Thompson, James W.
Thornton, J. Castle and Adelaide M.
Turner, Betty S. - "Professor of Organ and Voice"
Turner, Philip E. - "Music director '54-'62"
UMC Board of Higher Education
Vandyke, Howard
Vennell, John - "Friend of RMC"
Waller, Bob and Gail
Wallinder, Judith - "1998"
Wells, Jack and Shirley
Wesley, Dr. J
Whalen, Daniel A.
Wickland, Eric
Wickland, Wenda and Terry - RMC '44
Wickland-Letournea, Leif
Wickliffe, Tom and Sidney
Woods, Jack and Pat
Woods, Joan F.
Wolf Point Presbyterian Women
Worden Laurel Billings. C.E.
Yoder, Glayde and Cora
Schieffelin Scholars:
Albertson, Louie - "'95"
Arvik, Jason
Bennyhoff Jr., D and S
Booth, Chad M. - "1991-1995"
Damon, Dick - "Thank You"
Foster, James - "RMC '93"
Halvorson, Kerrie - "RMC '93"
Heimer, Jason - "'93"
Jette, Christian - "'97"
Matuska, Mitch -"'91"
Mckenna, Mark - "2000"
Meyer, Les - "'93"
Reynolds, Mick - "'94"
Reynolds-Schieffelin, Monte
Schieffelin, David R.
Schieffelin, G. Richard
Schieffelin-Nyberg, Peter
Smith, James - "'95"
Smith, Lon - "'94"
Steinmets, Brett - "'93"
Ulrich, Mike - "'97"
Wyss, Curt and Lisa - "'99"
Alumni Relations
Eaton Hall,
Upper Level5