Mental Health Counseling

A short-term model of counseling (8-12 sessions) is used to best serve the greatest number of students. Students requiring more extensive counseling will be referred to services in the Billings area.

Faculty, staff, parents, and friends of students are often among the first to notice when students are encountering additional stress that interferes with a student’s well-being. Stress can at times disrupt academic progress, personal relationships, and daily behavior. Click on the link under "More Information" Signs of Stress for more information. A Student Health Resource Guide refers to community services available in Billings, as well as the Mental Health Center link.

The AUDIT link permits a brief assessment for alcohol use with recommendations for follow up.

An additional support link is the Crisis Text Line for immediate response via text messages.

Navigating Mental Health Issues in College: A Comprehensive Guide 

To Make an Appointment 

Appointments are often available within three days or sooner. Appointments can be made by calling the RMC Counseling Center at 406.657.1049. Students may also email Cynthia Hutchinson, LCSW, at Counseling is provided at no fee for RMC students, faculty, and staff.